As a result of the significant disruption that is being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we are very aware that many researchers will has difficulty in meeting the timelines associated with our peer review process during normal times.  Please do let us know if you need additional time. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time.

Publishing Ethics

  • The AMEC journal is committed to maintaining the content published based on COPE for all articles. Also, the WMA rules are only considered for a few articles in bioanalysis chemistry for human samples.
  • The journal and AMEC publisher use the well-described practices of COPE Core. (COPE:
  • The AMEC journal has a Conflict-of-Interest policy in place.
  • The AMEC journal acts based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) rules. The Journal is committed to upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We follow Publication Ethics (COPE), which sets standards and provides guidelines for best practices to meet these requirements. The COPE guidelines are used for plagiarism.
  • The journal uses iTanticate plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions for similarities.
  • The peer review process in AMEC Journal is a double-blind (double-anonymised) process. (COPE:
  • The journal pledges to adhere to all publisher rules and conduct principles.


COPE’s Guidelines

The Journal is committed to following and applying publication ethics in its reviewing and publishing process.

COPE’s Ethical Rule

The Editor, Reviewers, and Authors must consider the COPE ethical rules.

Editorial Board
The journal's Editorial Board with their affiliations and contact information are available on the journal page.

Ethical Guidance for Editors (COPE:

  • The study must have scientific validity and be presented clearly. The manuscript must include sufficient sampling, clear results, and an adequate manner. The editor checks the manuscript with enough knowledge and new results for publication.
  • The benefits of the research outweigh the harms.
  • Editors do their tasks impartially and unbiasedly, regardless of personal traits like gender, sexual orientation, religion, political views, ethnicity, or place of origin of the writers.
  • Have the researchers considered or eliminated any potential biases or confounding factors?
  • Special and sponsored manuscripts should be treated similarly to other submissions and assessed exclusively based on their academic value, free from financial interference.
  • COPE regulations and procedures are adhered to when handling complaints on ethical or conflict problems.
  • Regardless of the publication date, the author's grievances must be fairly addressed. It's critical to save all supporting documents for any complaints. All author correspondence with the journal's manager or editor must be preserved.
  • Editors must act according to the ethical conditions of COPE.

Ethical Guidance for Reviewers

  • Make sure to disclose any potential conflicts of interest or competing interests.
  • Even if you cannot complete the review, it is polite to reply to an invitation for peer review within a reasonable amount of time.
  • If you think you are qualified to evaluate a particular document, you should only accept the review request if you can complete it within the suggested or mutually agreed upon time limit.
  • After submission of the manuscript, it will undergo an unbiased and prompt evaluation procedure by reviewers to aid in the decision-making process and enhance the published papers.
  • Please do not save or duplicate the manuscript to protect its privacy.
  • The reviewer must alert the editor about any published or submitted content that resembles the reviewed material.
  • Reviewers should disclose any institutional, financial, or collaborative links with authors to minimize potential conflicts of interest. They should also withdraw their services if necessary.
  • Reviewers must consider and act on the ethical conditions of COPE, and peer review was done based on the guidance of COPE.

The Score Sheet is only seen by editors, and their comments are shared with authors. Also, the reviewer's comments may be related to English grammar, punctuation, or spelling and need correction. All submissions undergo double-blind evaluation. The cornerstone for preserving the caliber and integrity of scientific research, in our opinion, is peer review. Reviewers advise the editors (Section Editor and Editor in Chief), who ultimately decide on publications (with the help of an editorial committee for most analysis articles and all research articles). We'll inform you when we make a decision. We would like to provide helpful feedback to authors even in cases when we are unable to accept their work. (


Ethical Guidance for Authors

Authors are responsible for adhering to rules particular to their discipline. Their research will be continued with a valid methodology based on science and experience. (

  • Authors' details such as e-mail, phone, and address must be kept secret, and the responsible author must refrain from accessing other sources.
  • Authors have important legal rights, obligations, and advantages that could affect their ability to progress in their careers. So, they must be considered ethical conditions.
  • Publishers are accountable for maintaining author rights, following licensing laws, and offering writers clear instructions. The journal guide must serve as the authors' guidance.
  • Authors can use acknowledgements to indicate contributions to the work that don't quite fit the authorship requirements.
  • Type of article printing such as open access, gold open access or subscription must be done with the permission of all authors.
  • The corresponding author must obtain the authors' addresses and e-mails from them and refrain from any alternative e-mails or addresses, and any changes must be made with the author’s permission.
  • The corresponding author is required to uphold the rights of other writers, and any changes to an author's name must have the approval of all other authors, both before and after acceptance and at the time of publication.
  • The corresponding author must act based on ethical law and inform co-authors about changing sections of manuscripts or reviewers' comments.
  • The authors should not have a conflict of interest with each other or the organization.
  • Institutions and organizations need to be willing to participate in the investigation of disputes regarding authors.
  • The COPE authorship guidance must be considered for manuscript submission to a journal.

Authors must act on the COPE ethical law. (

Journal Policy for Peer Review and Process

AMEC Journal is committed to applying a double-blind peer review process based on the COPE’s Code of Conduct and best practices for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of Scholarly research. The decision to publish a paper is based on the editorial team and peer review process. Papers whose topics are irrelevant to the journal's aim and scope or do not meet basic journal standards and requirements will be rejected at this stage to avoid delays to authors who may wish to seek publication elsewhere. Manuscripts selected for the review process, reviewed by members of an international expert panel. All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process by three or more reviewers under the related academic editor the Editor-in-Chief. We take every reasonable step to ensure the author's identity is concealed during the review process (3-7 days). The time of the review process and decision is 1-2 months, although occasionally delays do happen.  Authors should wait at least two months from submissions before contacting the journal.

Also, some papers need revision (I or II), and authors must wait for extra time (1-2 Months). The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection.

Note: The editor selects three reviewers according to their field and scientific experience. The nationality of reviewers and authors should be different and not from the same University or research center. The referee's name and author should not be in the published articles. Manuscript with its files sent to reviewer except for cover letter (acknowledgement), title page (Author name) and names related to author company, synthesis material laboratory and department of University.

(COPE Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers

Complaints and Ethical Behavior

The complaints may be directed at an author, an editor, or the journal. Anybody may have unethical activity at any time, and the editors or publishers must decide. They should provide sufficient information and evidence for an investigation to be initiated. All charges should be considered seriously until a valid judgment or conclusion is reached. They should provide sufficient information and evidence for unethical behavior. The editor should make the first choice; if necessary, they should confer with or ask the publisher for input. First, the complaints must be investigated by the Editor and publisher; if it is a minor complaint or breach, it can be solved by authors by responding to allegations. In grave violations, it might require that the employers of the accused be notified. The editor must prepare a   letter to the author or reviewer for the misconduct and as a warning of unethical behaviour. It is a formal notice based on misconduct and unethical behaviour. The editorial team informs the corresponding author or department to withdraw the paper from the journal and notify abstracting and indexing services and the publication's readership. In all cases, we used COPE rules for Complaints and Unethical behaviour. The unethical behaviour for plagiarism of papers can be decreased by a digital object identifier (DOI) before publishing. DOI is like digital fingerprint resources.

 Journal team duty for Authors

  • In the peer-review process and scientific research, transparency and objectivity are vital. Ensuring the study method is transparent and the results are objective is crucial. This guarantees the findings' validity and preserves the study's integrity. Additionally, a crucial stage in scientific research is peer review, where authorities in the area evaluate the work before publication, helping to guarantee that it is of the highest caliber and complies with all requirements.
  • The Manager Team of AMECJ follows, considers, and saves the conflicts of interest and financial contributions of manuscripts by authors. Also, the manager reports to the editor.
  • No conflicts of interest are associated with the publication and any financial support for the presented work that could have influenced its outcome.
  • The journal confirms that they have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with this work and that there are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, concerning intellectual property.
  • The journal must follow the regulations of COPE concerning intellectual property.

The journal editor may not accept the change of authors after the acceptance letter. The editor announced the final decision to authors by email. If there is a request to change the author after the acceptance letter, the corresponding author must prepare a letter for the journal. The corresponding author as primary responsibility for communication with the journal editorial team about submission, change authors, ethics committee approval, peer review, publication, and conflict of interest statements. (

Author Declaration and Conflict of Interest

  • Authors must declare the manuscript is original research and not published or submitted for publication elsewhere (no duplicate publication). All authors must resolve copyright issues when citing a figure or table from a different journal (by references).
  • Transparency and objectivity are essential in scientific research and the peer review process.
  • A potential conflict of interest arises when a researcher, writer, editor, or reviewer has a personal or financial stake that might skew their judgment or improperly influence their decisions. These kinds of partnerships are also called competing loyalties, competing interests, or dual commitments.
  • The most evident conflicts of interest involve money, such as employment, stock ownership, grants, honoraria, consultancies to sponsoring organizations, and mutual fund ownership. Undeclared financial conflicts may seriously undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and the science itself.
  • The authors declare no competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have influenced the reported work. If the authors have financial interests/personal relationships as potential competing interests, they must be explained.
  • The corresponding author must declare that the manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors and that no other person has satisfied the criteria for authorship but is not listed.
  • Personal beliefs that are in direct conflict with the topic
  • The authors further confirm that all have approved the order of authors listed in the manuscript.
  • Authors must confirm the conflicts of interest in their work by filling in the blank form. Authors must fill out the Declaration of Interest form in the submission process.

Ethics in Research & Publication (AMECJ)

Research fraud and plagiarism might endanger the journal, editor, and scientific integrity.  Comprehending the ethical guidelines and bounds is essential to ensure your task.  Journals based on COPE rules must investigate the ethics of the research and publication processes. We use iTanticate plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions for similarities.

Journal Publishing Agreement

The copyright assignment is a synopsis of the journal publishing agreement.  Based on the Creative Commons license (CC-BY), we thus assign the copyright owner of the manuscript to open access. Any tables, graphics, and other content included in the manuscript that has been submitted for publication. When the article is accepted for publication, the owner has the exclusive right to publish and reproduce the article, in print, electronic in all languages, worldwide, for the full term of copyright and the right to license others. Articles may sometimes be accepted for publication but later rejected in the publication process.

Moreover, the journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright. Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to complete a 'Journal Publishing Agreement.' An e-mail will be sent to the corresponding author confirming receipt of the manuscript with a 'Journal Publishing Agreement' form or a link to the online version of this agreement (Copyright form). Open access (OA) is a mechanism by which paper outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other barriers by AMECJ. After the accepted manuscript, all papers were published online by AMECJ without any charge. Also, all ethical guides of COPE for the copyright and publishing process were considered. After acceptance, the manuscript cannot be published in another journal. If it is discovered to be published elsewhere, the article will be removed and dealt with according to the law. After the acceptance letter, the form “Journal Publishing Agreement” is emailed to the corresponding author to fill out and return to the journal. The author may share a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI.

License Agreement

By submitting an article to AMEC journal, authors are asked to indicate their agreement to abide by an open-access Creative Commons license (CC-BY). Based on this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright of their articles.  Articles in AMEC Journal are published open access under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license).  This license allows readers to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to alter, transform, or build upon the material.

Bioanalysis and Medical Ethics (only bio-analysis papers)

From many manuscripts sent to journals in chemistry, a few of them have bioanalysis in human samples based on analytical methods that must be considered by the World Medical Association (WMA). The Declaration of Helsinki is a set of ethical guidelines for medical research involving human subjects, including studies on identifiable human material and data created by WMA ( Manuscripts on human subjects and reporting of human research such as blood, serum and tissue must follow the Helsinki Declaration. All authors should seek approval to conduct research from an independent local, regional, or national review body (Ethics Committee of University/Health department, Ethical Code is necessary from 2021 Dec). Identifying information should not be published in written descriptions unless the patient gives written informed consent. The bio-analysis manuscript may involve experimental animals or human patients and has been conducted with ethical approval.  The approval code is placed in the acknowledgment by the World Medical Association (WMA) rules. The authors follow the World Medical Association (WMA) recommendations regarding bioanalysis and biomedical analysis and enter the ethical code in the manuscript.

  • The International Code of Medical Ethics acquired is binding on physicians and laboratory researchers by the Declaration of the WMA.
  • Ethical guidelines that uphold and guarantee the dignity of every human subject and safeguard their rights and health apply to medical research.
  • Human samples, such as blood /serum and animal samples, must be prepared and saved based on the ethical rules of WMA.
  • The goal of medical research should be to reduce any potential harm to people and the environment.
  • It is important to give underrepresented groups in medicine enough access to participate in research.
  • Medical research with a vulnerable population is only warranted if it addresses this population's health needs or priorities and cannot be conducted in a non-vulnerable population. The research's conclusions, practices, and actions should also benefit this population.
  • Every research project that uses human subjects has to have a research protocol that explains and justifies the design and execution of the study (kind of human samples, size of human samples, age,,...)
  • Before the study starts, the research protocol must be submitted to the relevant research ethics committee for review, approval, and comments. This committee must be properly qualified, transparent in its operations, and free from undue influence from the researcher, sponsor, and other parties. It must consider applicable international norms and standards and the laws and regulations of the country or countries where the research is to be conducted. However, these factors cannot be used to lessen or do away with any protections for research subjects outlined in this Declaration.
  • Research subjects' privacy and the security of their data must be protected at all costs.
  • Subjects in medical research who can give informed permission must choose to participate voluntarily. Each person must voluntarily assent.
  • Bio-medical chemistry manuscripts use human/animal samples for determination, and the University's ethical code must be added to the manuscript. 

The guidelines for Privacy and Confidentiality are based on the recommendations from the World Medical Association (WMA) for scholarly research involving human samples in laboratory analysis. When submitting manuscripts for review, authors expect their confidentiality to be respected. They have entrusted editors with their scientific work, which can have a significant impact on their reputation and career. Therefore, it is important to ensure that authors' rights are not violated by the disclosure of any confidential information during the review process (name of patients, kind of disease, name of Hospital, …. Reviewers also have the right to confidentiality, and editors must respect it. Editors must not disclose any information about the manuscripts, including receipt, content, status in the reviewing process, or criticism by reviewers, to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. In analytical chemistry manuscripts for human samples, we must act based on the guidelines for privacy and confidentiality by WMA.


dis form must be completed and sent by online submission of manuscript to journal

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Declaration form

Authors must be confirmed teh conflicts of interest to their work. Declaration form sent by online submission of manuscript to journal

Download Declaration form

Contact us

Journal Publisher: AMEC Publisher as a privet international publisher from Iran. Publisher Link click here.

Madadkaran Alley,Farjam St., Shahnazari Ave, Mirdamad, 

Tehran, Iran     P: 1545653718


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